At the 2024 FENS Forum held in Vienna from June 25 to June 29, Luigi was awarded the FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence (FKNE) PhD Thesis Prize. Luigi’s thesis is entitled: A circuit for heading direction estimation in the zebrafish anterior hindbrain.
Luigi joined the lab as a GSN student in 2018, after studying at the University of Pisa, and graduated in 2022. As a PhD student he was incredibly productive and fortunately he is still in close contact with us as we try to put the finishing touches on some more studies.
Luigi is now a postdoc at the Italian Institute of Technology in Rovereto in the lab of Giuliano Iurilli. The train to Trento is direct from Munich and takes under five hours, so we still get to see him regularly.

No, don’t be fooled, Luigi was not wearing a suit!